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International Council for Diplomacy and Dialogue

dedicated to addressing crises and fostering peaceful negotiations

Our Team


Get to know the key representatives and team members of ICDD

Dr. Stephen Eric Bronner

Dr. Bronner is a visionary leader with a passion for creating positive change

Eric Gozlan

Mr. Gozlan brings extensive experience in operations management to the team

Dr. Valery Engel

Director of ICDD-East European Platform
Dr. Engel is a technology expert with a knack for innovation

Igor Kotler

Director of ICDD-USA
Mr. Kotler is a technology expert with a knack for innovation

ICDD Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The International Center for Dialogue and Diplomacy (ICDD) was established to express the needs of people in the midst of crises. Our organization, composed of analysts, activists, diplomats, scientists, scholars, journalists, and educators, is dedicated to facilitating negotiations between political rivals, serving as an unofficial conduit where official contact is impossible, and participating in international forums and conferences.
ICDD administers symposia, seminars, and meetings, consults on political issues, generates agendas to address complex challenges, and brings together the most unlikely partners to help resolve problems. Officially recognized by the European Union, the United Nations, and UNESCO, ICDD collaborates with representatives of civil society in many countries worldwide.
Our principles and commitments reflect our pursuit of peace, human rights, social justice, economic equality, and environmental protection. By producing imprints and other publications to keep all parties informed, we strive to make the world a better place through cooperation and the power of dialogue.

Les missions d’ICDD

International Council for Diplomacy and Dialogue  (ICDD) a été créé pour exprimer les besoins des "populations" des pays en crise. Composé d'analystes, d'activistes, de diplomates, de scientifiques, d'universitaires, de journalistes et d'éducateurs, notre organisation s'engage à faciliter les négociations entre rivaux politiques, à servir de canal non officiel lorsque les contacts officiels sont impossibles et à participer aux forums internationaux.
L'ICDD administre des symposiums et des réunions, des consultations sur des questions politiques, élabore des programmes pour traiter des questions complexes et réunit les partenaires les plus improbables. Officiellement reconnue par l'Union européenne, les Nations unies et l'UNESCO, notre organisation travaille avec des représentants de la société civile dans de nombreux États du monde entier.
Nos principes et nos engagements portent sur la poursuite de la paix, les droits de l'homme, la justice sociale, l’économie et la sauvegarde de l'environnement. En coopération avec vous, l'ICDD espère faire du monde un endroit meilleur, et elle croit fermement que cela est possible.


Der Internationale Rat für Diplomatie und Dialog (ICDD) wurde gegründet, um die Bedürfnisse der „Menschen“ inmitten von Krisen auszudrücken. Unsere Organisation, die sich aus Analysten, Aktivisten, Diplomaten, Wissenschaftlern, Gelehrten, Journalisten und Pädagogen zusammensetzt, setzt sich dafür ein, Verhandlungen zwischen politischen Rivalen zu erleichtern, als inoffizielle Verbindung zu dienen, wenn ein offizieller Kontakt unmöglich ist, und an internationalen Foren teilzunehmen.
ICDD verwaltet Symposien und Treffen, berät sich zu politischen Fragen, erstellt Tagesordnungen für die Behandlung komplexer Fragen und bringt die unwahrscheinlichsten Partner zusammen. Unsere Organisation ist von der Europäischen Union, den Vereinten Nationen und der UNESCO offiziell anerkannt und arbeitet mit Vertretern der Zivilgesellschaft in vielen Staaten der Welt zusammen.
Unsere Grundsätze und Verpflichtungen sprechen für das Streben nach Frieden, Menschenrechten, sozialer Gerechtigkeit, wirtschaftlicher Gleichheit und Umweltschutz. In Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen hofft ICDD, die Welt zu einem besseren Ort zu machen, und glaubt fest daran, dass dies möglich ist.

ICDD의 목표

외교와 대화를 위한 국제 협의회 (The International Council for Diplomacy and Dialogue, ICDD)는 위기 가운데 놓여진 “인민”에게 필요한 것을 알리기 위해 결성되었습니다. 분석가, 운동가, 외교관, 과학자, 학자, 언론인, 교육자들로 이루어진 우리 협회는 정치적 라이벌들 간 협상을 도모하고, 공식적인 접촉이 불가능한 경우 비공식적 메세지를 전달하는 통로가 되어주며, 국제적 토론의 장에의 참여를 힘쓰고 있습니다.
ICDD는 국제 심포지엄과 회의를 집행하고 정치적 이슈에 대한 컨설팅을 제공하며, 복잡한 이슈들을 다루는 안건을 발굴하고, 지금까지 상상하기 어려웠던 서로 다른 파트너를 한 곳에 모이도록 하고 있습니다. 유럽연합 (EU), 유엔 (UN, 국제연합), 유네스코 (UNESCO)로부터 공식적으로 인정받은 우리 협회는 전세계 수많은 나라들의 시민사회의 대표들과 함께하고 있습니다.
우리는 평화, 인권, 사회적 정의, 경제적 평등, 그리고 지구의 환경을 지키는 것을 원칙과 약속으로 삼고 있습니다. ICDD는 여러분과의 협력을 통해 더 나은 세상을 만들기를 원하며 또 그것이 가능하다고 강하게 믿고 있습니다.


国际外交对话理事会(The International Council for Diplomacy and Dialogue, ICDD)由多名分析学者、社会运动家、外交官、科学家、学者、记者、及教育家组成,旨在帮助人民在危机之中表达需求。本组织致力于促进不同政治力量之间的谈判,在正式接触无法建立的情况下提供非正式接触的渠道,并且参与各种国际论坛。
ICDD 组织研讨会和其它会议,就政治问题提供咨询,为复杂问题设置议程,帮助调解矛盾、建立多方合作关系。为此本组织已与全球许多国际的代表展开了合作,并已得到欧洲联盟、联合国、以及联合国教科文组织的正式承认。

Цели и задачи

Международный совет по дипломатии и диалогу был создан для того, чтобы выражать запросы «народа» в разгар кризисов. Наша организация, состоящая из аналитиков, активистов, дипломатов, ученых, журналистов и преподавателей, предназначена для содействия переговорам между политическими противниками, выступая в качестве неофициального канала там, где официальные контакты невозможны, и участвуя в международных форумах.
Международный совет по дипломатии и диалогу проводит симпозиумы и встречи, консультирует по политическим вопросам, составляет повестки дня для решения сложных проблем и объединяет самых неожиданных партнеров. Официально признанная Европейским Союзом, Организацией Объединенных Наций и ЮНЕСКО, наша организация работает с представителями гражданского общества во многих странах мира.
Наши принципы и обязательства выражают стремление к миру, соблюдению прав человека, социальной справедливости, экономическому равенству и сохранению окружающей среды. В сотрудничестве с вами Международный совет по дипломатии и диалогу надеется сделать мир лучше и твердо верит, что это возможно.


Uluslararası Diplomasi ve Diyalog Konseyi (ICDD), dünyada yaşanan krizlerin tam ortasında “insanlığın” ihtiyaçlarını ifade etmek için kurulmuştur. Alanında uzman, analist, aktivist, diplomat, bilim insanı, akademisyen, gazeteci ve eğitimcilerden oluşan kuruluşumuz, siyasi rakipler arasındaki müzakereleri kolaylaştırmayı, resmi temasın mümkün olmadığı durumlarda daha organik bir kanal görevi görmeyi ve uluslararası forumlara katılmayı temel hedef olarak belirlemiştir.
ICDD, sempozyumlar ve toplantılar düzenleyerek siyasi konularda küresel bir danışma mecrası olarak işlev görmektedir.  Kurumumuz, kompleks ve çözümü zaman alabilecek konularla başa çıkmak için gündemler oluşturmakta ve en olası karar alıcıları bir araya getirerek çözüm arayışlarında bulunmaktadır. Avrupa Birliği, Birleşmiş Milletler ve UNESCO tarafından resmi olarak tanınan kuruluşumuz, dünya çapında pek çok sivil toplum temsilcisiyle işbirliği içerisinde çalışmaktadır.
Temel ilke ve hedefimiz barış, insan hakları, sosyal adalet, ekonomik eşitliğin tesisi ve çevrenin kurtarılmasını sağlamaktır. ICDD sizinle işbirliği yaparak dünyayı daha yaşanabilir bir yer haline getirmeyi hedeflemekte ve bunun mümkün olduğuna kuvvetle inanmaktadır.

Our Current Initiatives and Projects

Discover the impactful initiatives and projects that ICDD is currently undertaking to promote peace, human rights, social justice, economic equality, and environmental sustainability.

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Promoting Human Rights

Working with civil society representatives to advocate for the protection of human rights.

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Advancing Social Justice

Collaborating with our clients to address social inequalities and create a more just society.

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Environmental Sustainability

Partnering with stakeholders to promote sustainable practices and protect the environment.

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Fostering Economic Equality

Working towards reducing economic disparities and promoting equal opportunities for all.

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Empowering Voices: Human Rights Blog
September 3, 2024

ICDD: Political Podcasts

Stephen Bronner about Kamala Harris
August 30, 2024

The Tide is Turning

Remarks on the Presidential Campaign of 2024
July 13, 2024


Circling the Wagons: Democrats and Biden

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